Command Prompt Extension App

Ian Maurer ian_maurer at
Mon Mar 27 14:30:32 EST 2000

Hello Python Fans, I have a simple Python program that makes the Command
prompt a little more tolerable on the Windows platform (esp. 9x). It is
freeware and I am looking for a place to host this 4KB zip file (it's a real
resource hog :). It's written totally in python, but I have it "frozen" for
friends who don't have python on their machine. Here is what the code can do
(it's python so it's EASY to modify to your liking): - up and down arrows
(like NT, hint: type DOSKEY if that's all you need) - autoextend with TAB
(only does current directory, no multi-levels) - !!, !<i>n</i>, and history -
switch directory command sd (gives you a list of the last 8 dirs) - sdd (go
to the last directory) - takes an .ini file for aliasing and associations of
your choosing my ini is set up for the following: - autoruns python for files
ending .py (assoc .py python) - autoruns perl for files ending .pl (assoc .pl
perl) - starts my favorite text editor ( with vi - aliased
c:\program files and c:\my documents (just type 'pf' and 'md') - set up a
slew of dirs that are a pain to 'cd' to (Apache cgi, htdocs,etc) - 'ls' gives
me a sorted, simple 'dir' for when I forget what OS I'm on. So if you want
this program send me an email. Or better yet, if you have a site that hosts
python apps let me know so everyone can get this little program much easier.
Have a good one, Ian Maurer Python Nut ian_maurer at

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