binary to decimal conversion

ezra ezra at
Mon Mar 27 07:15:54 EST 2000


I write three functions:
import string

__doc__ = 'Data convert function.   written by ezra.\012'

def Int2Bin(di):
     chars = ['0','1']
     do = ''
     q = 0
     while di >= 2:
          q = di % 2
          do = chars[q] + do
          di = di / 2
     do = chars[di] + do
     if len(do)%4 >= 1 and len(do)%4 <= 3 : do = '0'*(4 - len(do)%4) + do
     return do
# End of def Int2Bin(di)

def Int2Oct(di):
     chars = ['0','1','2','3','4','5','6','7']
     do = ''
     q = 0
     while di >= 8:
          q = di % 8
          do = chars[q] + do
          di = di / 8
     do = chars[di] + do
     if len(do)%2 == 1 : do = '0' + do
     return do
# End of def Int2Oct(di)

def Int2Hex(di):
     chars =
     do = ''
     q = 0
     while di >= 16:
          q = di % 16
          do = chars[q] + do
          di = di / 16
     do = chars[di] + do
     if len(do)%2 == 1 : do = '0' + do
     return do
# End of def Int2Hex(di)


洪偉能(Wei-Neng Hung)
High-Speed Communication and Computing Laboratory,NCU
E-mail : ezra at

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