Best book to learn Python?

Matt Curtin cmcurtin at
Sat Mar 4 22:54:16 EST 2000

>>>>> "Snoopy" == Snoopy :-)) <genius at> writes:

  Snoopy> There is a New Book which supposed to be a very good one for
  Snoopy> Beginners. It is expected to be available
  Snoopy> March-21. Published by "SAMS".  The Title is: "Teach
  Snoopy> Yourself Python In 24-Hours"

I haven't seen the text at all, so I cannot comment on it
specifically.  (I also know that this isn't Alan's book.)

Don't let the title fool you.  Learning Python in 24 hours is a task
that couldn't be reasonably undertaken by anyone but someone who is
already an expert programmer and those books tend not to be targeted
for that audience.

A more realistic view of what is necessary to be a good programmer can
be found on Peter Norvig's site,

Matt Curtin cmcurtin at

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