Where to put files for public download?

Robert Roy rjroy at takingcontrol.com
Wed Mar 15 19:30:28 EST 2000

On Tue, 14 Mar 2000 17:51:40 -0600, "David Fisher"
<python at rose164.wuh.wustl.edu> wrote:

>I posted some code for accessing ports on windows a couple of weeks ago, and
>since then a couple of more people have asked about ports in the newsgroup
>(why can't people take five minutes to search the archives first, sheesh!).
>Anyhow, it got me thinking about putting the binary somewhere for people to
>download.  So my question is where should I look for a place to put files to
>be downloaded with ftp/http?  Especially python related files.
>Yes, I have read the page on contributed software at the Python home page
>(consider the irony if I hadn't!).  The thing is I don't have a web page or
>a ftp server, and I don't really want to go to the trouble of setting one up
>if I don't have to.  Since putting a file in anonymous ftp at python.org is
>a last resort, I guess I'm looking for a second-to-last resort.
>Thanks in advance,
Or perhaps submit it to the Python snippets collection if that is an
appropriate place for it.


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