Python tutorial/comparison for C++ programmer

Neil Hodgson neilh at
Thu Mar 23 18:50:05 EST 2000

> Maybe I overstated the case a little, and it's true that all those
> CDROMs with py152.tgz on them won't disappear, but two bad things
> certainly would happen. All current venues for Python help (such as
> this newsgroup) would be rendered instantly useless by the huge influx
> of MSPy newbies, making today's newbies look like tenured brain
> surgeons.

    One of the main directions in Python, and certainly a topic that Guido
is very involved with is to make Python a better language for new users.
CP4E is Computer Programming for /Everybody/ and that includes (and possibly
should be particularly targetted at) 'MSPy newbies'.

   I would be only too happy to use a Microsoft implementation of Python. I
might even pay for it. MSPy features that I would like to see include:
    1) Integration into the same Visual Studio I am used to for developing
    2) Extensive documentation of the Windows Python extensions.
    3) A faster implementation. Microsoft were prepared to put effort into
ensuring Perl worked well on NT. How much effort might they be prepared to
expend to say "Python runs 3 times faster on NT as Linux".


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