Empty String in HREF Args and cgi.py

Mikael Olofsson mikael at isy.liu.se
Wed Mar 1 04:20:22 EST 2000

On 01-Mar-00 Joseph C. Kopec wrote:
 >  Is it possible to put an empty string ("" -- not a blank space) in a URL
 >  argument list?  For instance, in
 >  "/cgi-bin/myscript?val1=one&val2=XXX&val3=three"
 >  what should be in place of XXX for val2 to be an empty string?  Is there
 >  an HTML character entity for an empty string (as opposed to   for a
 >  space)?  Would "" or '' work?  Or should I just leave XXX blank, like
 >  "...val2=&val3=three".  Thanks in advance.

I've used empty strings successfully. But then, I've written the code 
that decodes the argument myself. I've not used any magic modules, since
I wrote that code before I was aware of the massive variety of modules

I say: Give it a try!


E-Mail:  Mikael Olofsson <mikael at isy.liu.se>
WWW:     http://www.dtr.isy.liu.se/dtr/staff/mikael
Phone:   +46 - (0)13 - 28 1343
Telefax: +46 - (0)13 - 28 1339
Date:    01-Mar-00
Time:    10:15:46

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