Where is the Tools directory supposed to be???

Rich James rjamesjr at earthlink.net
Thu Mar 30 00:58:14 EST 2000

Well, I'm befuddled.  I've looked everywhere for the Tools directory in
my file system and can't locate it.  Actually, what I am looking for is
webchecher.py, which I understand lives in the Tools/webchecker
directory.  Anyhow, none of that exists on my Redhat 6.0 system.  I've
checked www.python.org, but could not locate any information there on
this.  Also, I checked the RPMs at rufus.w3.org and found none that
contained either Tools or webchecker.  And, I've searched usenet using
deja.com to no avail.

What am I missing?  I'm sure the answer is obvious and stupid, but I
sure can't seem to figure it out.  Thanks for any and all help!
War is just one more big government program.  
-- Joseph Sobran
Rich James
rjamesjr at earthlink.net

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