Copyright changes with move from CNRI to BeOpen?

Neil Schemenauer nascheme at
Sat Jun 3 01:04:01 EDT 2000

In comp.lang.python, you wrote:
>[Harry Tanovich]
>> Will the copyright move to a more GPL style thing now?
>The details are still being worked out, but I'll tell you this:  if BeOpen
>had showed any sign of wanting to make the Python license materially more
>restrictive, I would not have accepted the job there (GPL is fine for many
>things, but Python isn't one of them).  To the contrary, the BeOpen
>PythonLabs team would like to *reduce* the legal folderol that accreted
>under CNRI's tenure.  However, at this precise moment in time, I'm
>unemployed, so don't take this as an Official Statement from anyone -- least
>of all me <wink>.
>if-i-wanted-to-speak-for-myself-i'd-hire-me-ly y'rs  - tim
>PS:  Note that the JPython license has always been stiffer than CPython's,
>     and that may not be changeable.

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