PyOpinion: Does Python Programming Marginalize You?

Shae Erisson shapr at
Tue Jun 6 14:32:30 EDT 2000

"Richard P. Muller" wrote:
> Does Programming in Python Marginalize You?
> I love Python. Of the 10-15 programming languages I know, Python is
> the only language which I actually look forward to using. I wake up in
> the morning, ask myself, "Will I be using Python today?" and if the
> answer is "yes" I know that it's going to be a good day.

I agree with you here. I'm a fanatic :)

> I'm also aware of the JPython module, which promises to enable
> us to write applets in Python instead of Java. But who among us has
> actually *used* JPython? Or, for that matter, who has come across a
> random web page on the net that uses JPython applets?

I have used JPython in the past, and will do so in future. JPython is a
wonderful tool when you must write for the JVM. I also think JPython is
easier for learning the Java API, it's quite spiffy to be able to create
frames and widgets and stick them together from a prompt.

> Java, but it didn't happen that way. Think how wonderful it would have
> been to write PythonScript functions in web pages rather than
> JavaScript.

I vaguely remember reading that Mozilla promises to allow Python and
Perl as client side scripting languages. I'll recheck that.. but I think
I saw it when reading about the ActiveState Komodo IDE

> What else should we be doing to make Python *the* programming language
> rather than *a* programming language?

I think IDLE should get lots more work. I think it could use CVS
integration, really good syntax highlighting (like using an incremental
parser), and lots of other features.

I also suggest that some way is found to use libraries from other
languages (like that other P language), much like Ruby uses Python
libraries. I don't know much about Ruby, but the idea of using a
well-rounded set of libraries from another language sounds extremely
useful. Several times I've run across libraries in P*** that I wished I
could use in Python.

<shameless plug>
Help me write the Refactoring Browser for Python :)
I think it would improve many things about medium to large Python
</shameless plug>
sHae mAtijs eRisson (sHae at wEbwitchEs.coM) gEnius fOr hIre
   bRing mE fIve sQuirrels aNd nO oNe wIll gEt hUrt
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