Linux/NT python startup speed

Neil Schemenauer nascheme at
Fri Jun 23 16:55:15 EDT 2000

Johannes Stezenbach <yawyi at> wrote:
>Two solutions were discussed:
>a) make winsound a .pyd
>b) use some obscure "delayload" feature of the M$ linker. There
>   is a ready to use python15.dll for Python 1.5.2 with this
>   feature somewhere out there (I don't remember where, though,
>   since I use Linux now)
>IMHO solution a) should be standard in Python 1.6 (it isn't in

To quote Guido:

    In 1.6, winsound is a separate subproject and hence a
    separately loadable DLL, so it doesn't slow down the main
    code.  Ditto for socket and a few others.

The problem should be solved.


"Nothing cures insomnia like the realization that it's time to
get up." -- random fortune

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