Swig: typemap for string out parameter

Randall Hopper aa8vb at yahoo.com
Mon Jun 12 10:12:39 EDT 2000

Olaf Trygve Berglihn:
 |I guess some of you swig'ers can answer this easily:
 |I want to create a typemap for out parameter strings similar to what
 |swig does for int with the "int *OUTPUT". I know the length of the
 |The C prototype would look like this:
 |int getNewString( const char *pInParameter,
 |                        char *pOutString,
 |	                int  iOutStringLen );

If no reply, you might want to search the SWIG mailing list archives and
post if you don't find the answer.  See http://www.swig.org/ for details.

Randall Hopper
aa8vb at yahoo.com

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