Kjbuckets-Module, Python 1.6 and NT

Thomas Freytag freytag at szs.ira.uka.de
Mon Jun 19 12:32:02 EDT 2000

Dear all,

we have severe trouble getting the kjbuckets-module running with Python
1.6 and Windows NT. We have tried the following so far:

1)Compile the kjbucketsmodule.c as a dll. Fails and produces some
"Initialiser is not a constant" error, whatever...

2)Re-compile the Python interpreter using Visula C++ 6.0 and adding
kjbucketsmodule.c to the files to be considered in the project. Plus we
edited the "setup.in" in the Modules directory.  C++ claims to copile
"kjbucketsmodule.c", however, when we try  "import kjbuckets" with the
freshly compiled interpreter the answer is "No module....".

Sooo...has anyone managed to get kjbuckets running with 1.6 and NT? Any
hints are greatly appreciated.

Thanks a lot.


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