Python Productivity over C++

Darrell Gallion darrell at
Mon Jun 12 02:16:08 EDT 2000

A co-op working with me tells the story of how he learned C++ in
excruciating syntactic detail. All before he had any idea why anyone would
dream all this up. I'm sure most of it was lost on him.

Looking over my shoulder one afternoon, has him all fired up for Python. We
focused on the ultimate goal instead of how deep the language is.

I only have so much mental bandwidth and want to minimize how much is spent
on language/tools. My goal is to solve customer problems fast and leave them
with something they can understand and use for years to come.

Just happened to be looking for info on g++ exception handling.
Came across this site saying not to use all the fancy C++ features for
portability reasons.

--Darrell Gallion

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