IDLE and building Tk GUIs

Shae Erisson shapr at
Thu Jun 8 09:43:37 EDT 2000

Anders M Eriksson wrote:

> Yes I know. I'm using IDLE some of the time, then I switch to
> PythonWin, and then I use UltraEdit. None of these products are any
> good at GUI's though. IDLE just quits when I end my Tkinter
> application, PythonWin hangs when I run Tkinter within it, etc ...

My suggestion for using IDLE to build Tkinter GUIs and not quit when
your app ends is:
execute your Tkinter GUI from a command prompt, but edit it IDLE.
I know it's a cheesy solution, but it's the best one I know of.

If other people have better solutions, I'd love to hear them.
sHae mAtijs eRisson (sHae at wEbwitchEs.coM) gEnius fOr hIre
   bRing mE fIve sQuirrels aNd nO oNe wIll gEt hUrt
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