python is hard to learn without c

Tim Rowe digitig at
Thu Jun 15 15:28:00 EDT 2000

In article <9yS15.2877$Gp6.138923 at>, 
jin.choung at (Jin) wrote:

> but i think the reason the C++ book is working so well for me is that it
> assumes nothing about prior knowledge in an OO language because C++ is 
> the
> base upon which everything else is built.  

Oh no it's not! C++ drew on earlier OO languages, and there are plenty 
(Scheme, Eiffel, Smalltalk) that are quite unrelated. But C++ has a huge 
user base, so there's simply more books available, making it easier to 
find one that fits your level. I'm glad you have -- what is it, by the 
way? I'm sometimes asked to recommend something for beginners.

> thanks again, and i will pursue both paths to enlightenment and 
> hopefully
> one language will bolster skills in the other.

A good approach, IMHO.

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