Suggestion: "Completing" HTTP support in Python.

Robb Shecter shecter at
Fri Jun 16 08:57:24 EDT 2000

Oleg Broytmann wrote:

>    Why do you think someone (who do not neccessaryly needs this) will write
> code that you need? In the world of free software it is simple - roll your
> own.
>    Patches are gladly accepted. Come on!


As I said in my original post:

>So - is anybody else interested in seeing a client interface that
>allows the whole HTTP spec to be used, without getting down into the
>mucky details?  I can see that I'll be working on this for sure.  I'd
>be much more motivated if I knew that my work wasn't going to just sit

I knew I'd be doing this work for myself, and didn't know if anyone else felt the
way I do about the library.  It looks like there -are- people who'd want these
features too, which is cool.  I'll post something when I've got something to

But thanks anyhow for the motivation, Oleg! :)

- Robb

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