= vs. == in Py3k

Steven D. Arnold stevena at permanent.cc
Fri Jun 9 12:57:09 EDT 2000

At 03:52 PM 6/9/2000 +0100, Michael Hudson wrote:
>"Steven D. Arnold" <stevena at permanent.cc> writes:
>Rather better to give a SyntaxError *all* the time, no?  Then you
>learn not to do it pretty quickly.  I've never really understood calls
>for '-w'-type flags in Python; constructs of dubious character should
>be outlawed, not discouraged.

Actually, I rather like the C-style `=' in expressions.  (I am aware that 
no one, not even me, was proposing this.  I just happen to like it. ;-)  If 
such a feature were implemented, I'd definitely like to be able to be 
warned so that if I didn't really mean it, I could fix it.

>(Actually, I can see some merit in flagging things that are *usually*
>wrong, but have some virtue, eg. "do you *really* want to have that
>mutable default argument", but that could be a more static thing).

Well said.  Things that can NEVER be right should be errors.  Things that 
could be wrong but could be right should generate warnings, but only if you 
have set a warnings flag.


Steven D. Arnold            Que quiero sera         stevena at permanent.cc
"Fear: The best way out is through."                     -- Helen Keller

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