Python for Autocad 0.3 - closer to usefulness

Georg Mischler schorsch at
Fri Jun 2 13:06:11 EDT 2000

Hi all,

contributing my part to the reanimation of the stairship,
I have uploaded the newest release 0.3 of py_acad.arx to:

Py_acad.arx makes Python available as an extension language
to Autocad in a way similar to Autolisp, and allows to control
many aspects of Autocad from within Python programs.

This release implements large portions of the ADS API, with the
most notable exceptions being symbol table/system dictionary
access and DCL dialog control. The rest of the functionality is
now in a state that actually makes it useful for many practical
purposes. As always, I'd be grateful for comments, suggestions,
patches and anything else you want to say about it.

For the lazy folks, I have created two binary packages for
R14/R15 respectively, so that you can play around with it
even if you don't feel like compiling an ARX extension yourself.

Have fun!


Georg Mischler  --  simulations developer  --  schorsch at  --  lighting design tools  --

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