[FAQTS] Python Knowledge Base Update -- June 16th, 2000

Fiona Czuczman fiona at sitegnome.com
Fri Jun 16 07:10:56 EDT 2000


My arrangement with FAQTS was to get 225 entries into 
http://python.faqts.com by June 16.  I've done it! With a lot of help 
from you guys.  Thanks everyone.

This doesn't mean my daily entries will cease, I'm going to continue 
working on the FAQTS Python Knowledge base for a while to come.  Its fun 
and educational :-)


Fiona Czuczman

## New Entries #################################################

How can I map a drive using pythonwin, and see if it was successful or not?
Fiona Czuczman
Fred Gansevles, Roger Upole

This code written using the 'dynwin' package.

# wnet.py -- wnet module

from dynwin import winwin, winclass, msgloop, windll
from dynwin.structob import struct_object
from dynwin.oracle import Oracle

mpr = windll.module ('mpr')

RESOURCETYPE_DISK       = 0x00000001

class NETRESOURCE (struct_object):
        oracle = Oracle (

def use(drive, host, user, passwd):
    nr = NETRESOURCE()
    lpLocalName = windll.cstring(drive)
    lpRemoteName = windll.cstring(r'\\%s\%s' % (host, user))
    lpProvider = windll.cstring('Microsoft Windows Network')
    nr.lpLocalName = lpLocalName.address()
    nr.lpRemoteName = lpRemoteName.address()
    nr.lpProvider = lpProvider.address()
    return mpr.WNetAddConnection2(nr,
                windll.cstring(passwd), windll.cstring(user), 0)

def unuse(drive):
    return mpr.WNetCancelConnection2(windll.cstring(drive), 1, 1)


You should be able to use the COM interface for Windows Scripting host.
import win32com.client
To test it, just try to access the drive:
os.listdir('z:') or something similar.

What is a tuple and why is it used (as opposed to an array, etc)?
Fiona Czuczman
Stephen Hansen, Aahz Maruch, Warren Postma

A Tuple is of a fixed length, the length it was when it was created. A
list is of a dynamic length -- its actual size, I believe, from a 
memory-ish standpoint, that lists are actually larger then they appear 
to be in the Python environment. On the C level, my understanding from 
reading various posts is that the list allocates additinoal memory for 
elements which may be added in later, so that it doesn't have to 
allocate One Piece Of Memory every time an element is added. A Tuple is 
immutable. Once created, with its given values, it can not be changed. a 
= (1,2,3) can not have a[1] = 5 done. A list is mutable. You can change 
the individual elements at any time.

My unknowing guess? The overhead to create the truly 'dynamic' lists is 
completely wasted in enough circumstances that it warrented making an 
array which was fixed, in both size, and content.


>From my POV, the primary purpose of tuples is for dictionaries: they
allow you to do things like

foo = {}
foo[(1,2)] = 3

This essentially permits the use of multi-column primary keys (to use
database terminology).  In addition, as Stephen Hansen pointed out,
tuples are a fair bit more efficient than lists.


I first came across the term tuple in relation to Relational Algebra and 
in particular, in the realm of SQL and Databases.

A row of data in a database is often called a tuple. Really, it's a way 
of creating a Structure like you would do in C, very efficiently, which 
once created, is immutable. This means you can create a hash on it, and 
then use the hash to get the piece of data out of a database table. This 
is exactly how Tuples work, and they are hashed and then placed into an 
associative array (Python calls associative arrays Dictionaries).

So whereas there is one native Array type in C, the List type in Python 
is a mutable dynamically sized array, and a Tuple is a fixed immutable 
grouping of items, and a Dictionary is like an array where the key 
doesn't have to be a number.  So, three kinds of things which have 
something in common with a C array is better than just having a return 
to the Bad Old Days where C arrays were fixed in size, mutable to the 
point that you could easily crash your system, and totally 

Where should I put my HTMLgen directory?
How do I add a path to sys.path?
Fiona Czuczman
Jeff Kunce

When you do an "import" python looks for the module in all the 
directories in sys.path

Below are four ways to let python know where you have installed HTMLgen. 
I use #4 myself.

1) Add the directory to sys.path in your program before you import the 
    import sys
    sys.path.append('C:\\Program Files\\Python\\Lib\\HTMLgen')

2) Add the directory to your systems "PYTHONPATH" environment
variable before you start your program. For windows:
    SET PYTHONPATH=C:\Program Files\Python\Lib\HTMLgen
or if PYTHONPATH is already defined:
    SET PYTHONPATH=C:\Program Files\Python\Lib\HTMLgen;%PYTHONPATH%

3) Create a file 'C:\\Program Files\\Python\\HTMLgen.pth' containing the
single line: Lib/HTMLgen

4) Import HTMLgen as a package
    a) create an empty file C:\\Program
    b) in your program, import HTMlgen like this:
        from HTMLgen import HTMLgen

All these procedures are explained in the documentation, and in the 
various python books. None is specific to HTMLgen.

And, personally, I would not put HTMLgen in the 'Lib' directory - I 
think of that as modules that are distributed with python, and may get 
overwritten with a new release. I'd suggest installing it as
   C:\Program Files\Python\local\HTMLgen
or just
   C:\Program Files\Python\HTMLgen

I have an ascii string like 0C44DH. Is there a Python function to convert it to decimal?
Fiona Czuczman
Donn Cave

Yes, everything except that trailing H anyway.  I'd use 
string.atoi('c44d', 16), and I guess in the end that is about the same 
thing as int('c44d', 16)

How do I get the current index of the insertion character in an Entry widget?
Fiona Czuczman
Hans-Joachim Widmaier

After digging in Tk docs for some time I've finally found how to get the 
current index of the insertion character in an Entry widget:


will do the trick. Fair enough, "insert" isn't listed in the INDICES 
section, just in a note (in the Text widget man page).

## Edited Entries ##############################################

What is the Python code that will print primes below 1000?
Fiona Czuczman
François Pinard,Emile van Sebille

initial answer:

import re
for n in range(2, 1000):
    if not re.match('(11+)\\1+$', '1'*n):
        print n

and then again:

While the above submission is an interesting
application of regular expressions, it's not really
the way to get a list of primes.  Below is primes.py,
taken from the standard distribution that is faster
by a factor of 10-20:

primesuspects = range(3,1000,2)
ptr = 0
while ptr < len(primesuspects):
  val = primesuspects[ptr]
  for i in primesuspects[ptr+1:]:
    if not i % val:
  ptr = ptr + 1
print primesuspects

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