Why Do We Use This?

Ken Seehof 12klat at sightreader.com
Tue Jun 6 20:45:52 EDT 2000

The "long" versions are not used in the way that you describe.  They are not
generally called directly, by name (e.g. x.__len__()), although they can be.

The missing concept here is called "operator overloading".  Operator
overloading gives you the ability to define the meaning of various
operations (such as length) by defining a function that will be called to
evaluate the operation.

Suppose you want to create a new class that behaves like a sequence.  For

>>> x = MyClass()
>>> x[4] = 34.5
>>> n = len(x)

How would you go about writing MyClass?

The answer is that you define the "magic" functions that get called for
various sequence operations.

class MyClass:
    . . .
    def __len__(self):
        # . . . return the length
    def __setitem(self, i, v):
        # . . . set the value at position i

So __len__ gets called to evaluate len(x).

Operator overloading also is used for numeric classes, mappings (like
dictionaries), and also let you define the string representation and other
special effects.

Ken Seehof
kens at sightreader.com
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Akira Kiyomiya wrote:

> Okay, what is the difference between these?
> If these are same, whey do we bother using the "long" version such as
> __len__(a)??
> Sorry, the books I am reading do not explain very well about this issue.
> a = [1,2,3,4,5,6]
> len(a)                                # __len__(a)
> x = a[2]                            # __getitem__(a,2)
> a[1] = 7                            # __setitem__(a,1,7)
> del a[2]                            # __delitem__(a,2)
> x = a[1:5]                         #__getslice__(a,1,5)
> a[1:3] = [10,11,12]         # __setslice__(a,1,3,[10,11,12])
> del a[1:4]                        # __delslice__(a,1,4)
> Thanks
> Akira
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