[ANNOUNCE] Webware for Python 0.3

Chuck Esterbrook echuck at mindspring.com
Tue Jun 6 12:17:06 EDT 2000

Webware for Python is a suite of software components for developing web-based applications that are multi-threaded, object-oriented and cached. The suite uses well known design patterns such as servlets and server pages (as found in ASP, PHP and JSP).

Home page:      http://webware.sourceforge.net/
Download:       http://download.sourceforge.net/Webware/Webware-0.3.tar.gz
Release notes:  http://webware.sourceforge.net/Webware/Documentation/RelNotes-0.3.html

Some highlights:
  * There is an improved WebKit 0.3 with new features, refinements and bugfixes. 
  * There is a new PSP component (aka Python Server Pages) which is a WebKit plug-in that enables you to create server pages that freely mix HTML and Python in the same fashion as other popular server 
technologies such as ASP, PHP and JSP. 
  * The project is now fully hosted on SourceForge at http://webware.sourceforge.net including the CVS 
source code repository. You can anonymously checkout a snapshot of the repository if you want the latest, 
in-development version. 
  * Webware is now friendlier to Windows including both code and documentation. We now have developers using both Windows and UNIX/Linux. 


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