more on python and GUI speed

Daniel Kramer daniel at
Fri Jun 16 04:36:31 EDT 2000

I know I am beating this subject to death but I moved over to python from
tcl to improve my programming skills (which are minimal), learn oop, and
still write gui programs with ease.

I have found the gui solutions to be a bit slow compared to tcl/tk.  Today I
found something interesting.. I put my computer under heavy load and ran a
simple tcl/tk app, python/tkinter app, and a wxPython app.. all were simple
drawing a line on a canvas type apps.

    The tkinter and wxPython apps were very choppy when the cpu was under
load from another process.. where the tcl/tk app saw almost no performance
hit at all.. it was still just as fluid as when my computer's cpu was idle.

Anyway.. I am leaning toward going back to tcl/tk and just learning [Incr
Tcl] to fill the oop gap.


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