Case-sensitivity: why -- or why not? (was Re: Damnation!)

Tres Seaver tseaver at
Tue Jun 6 23:27:59 EDT 2000

In article <slrn8jrb37.b4q.wtanksle at>,
William Tanksley <wtanksley at> wrote:
>On 06 Jun 2000 17:34:20 -0400, Andrew M. Kuchling wrote:
>>wtanksle at (William Tanksley) writes:
>>> I'm not the one that's claiming that removing case-sensitivity will ruin
>>> Python.  My claim is very simple: first, it's a minor change for us to
>>> make, and second, it helps newbies.
>>Like Aahz, I don't think the change is that minor.
>I suppose we'll just have to agree to disagree, then.  Because I can't see
>the change causing me to care -- my coding style will hardly change.

*Sigh* It's not *your* style I'm worried about -- I've seen stuff you
post, and *you* wrtie cleanly.  I have significant experience, however,
in working in *large* (100K+ LOC) bodies of code written in a case-
insensitive language (ObjectPascal) by case-negligent coders.  The
readability of case-mangled code, like that of inconsistently indented
code, is *horrible*.  "Coding standards" get ignored by this grade of
"programmer";  compiler errors don't.

>Now, the change WILL cause old code to not work -- but in case you missed
>it, it's been established that Py3K is going to do that.  Adding or
>removing this feature will not fix the code.
>>I'm also doubtful of the "helps newbies" claim; unless there have been
>>some other citations in this thread that I missed, we have exactly one
>>study using exactly one programming environment that reported CS
>>(case-sensitivity) was a problem, and even that report says "most [users]
>>continued to type case-incorrect tokens in their programs for a short
>>period", which implies that they did eventually stop.  The evidence is
>>hardly overwhelming, and basically purely anecdotal.
>Now here we can make some progress, I think.  Once CP4E is funded, I would
>hope that this is something they would do some work in.  Hopefully before
>the change is finalised in Py3K.
>However, from my experience teaching people programming and typing, people
>don't normally think or communicate in a case sensitive way, and a large
>portion of people have a really hard time doing so.  I've hypothesised
>that this is an artifact of visual versus auditory learning.

Readability is an important element of both learnability and usability
of a language;  case-insensitivity reduces readability in order to enhance
writability.  Ought we make it easier to write sloppy Python than
is presently possible?  I don't see how that can be a win, except for the
greenest of 4E's.

>>IMHO, if GvR was inventing a completely new language for teaching,
>>then it would be worthwhile to debate whether it should be CS or CI.
>>But he's not; Python is an implemented language with a sizable and
>>growing user base that's used to CS, and a number of published books
>>and other materials that will be invalidated by switching to CI. 
>And the fact is that they're going to be invalidated anyhow.  Nothing we
>do to CS will change that.  Part of the reason for Py3K is to allow Guido
>to make large, backwards-incompatible changes.

To what end?  I still have seen nothing except the anecdotal evidence from
the Alice project for the claim that CS reduces the overall usability, or
even learnability, of Python.


Tres Seaver                                tseaver at
Digital Creations     "Zope Dealers"

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