Newbie questions

jim roush jar at
Tue Jun 13 14:47:27 EDT 2000

>Your program should work fine, and it does, here. However, if you are using
>IDLE, the problem is a known bug in IDLE ;) You have to type the number and
>press enter in a different window than the one that shows the 'Enter is the
>radius:' text. I dont have the exact text of the bug at hand, sorry, but if
>you fiddle around, you'll find the right window.
>It's fixed in newer versions of IDLE, by the way, as well as a number of
>other things. If you use IDLE a lot, you might want to grab the newer
>> pi = 3.141592654
>> radius = input("Enter is the radius: ")
>> circ = 2 * pi * radius
>> print circ

That was it.  I upgraded to IDLE 0.5 and it works fine.  Thanks.

jar at
James A Roush

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