Pick or Universe Module

Paul Boddie paulb at infercor.no
Tue Jun 27 06:34:20 EDT 2000

Brad Losh wrote:
> has anyone seen a python way to talk to a Pick or Unverse DBMS.  if
> there is nothing I would like to start something, just not sure how.

I think that you would have two principal options:

  * Use an ODBC connectivity solution and mxODBC. UniData, which is a product
    supplied by the same company as UniVerse, has some solutions developed for
    it which allow access via ODBC. In my opinion, you have to jump through
    lots of hoops using the "interesting" tools available in order to "publish"
    the data to ODBC client applications, and this might seem like too much
    work. I did hear that UniVerse is a bit less "backward" in terms of
    connectivity, though.

  * Write something which uses the client libraries. Again, not being able to
    draw on any UniVerse experience, I can say that UniData has libraries which
    could be wrapped by something like SWIG [1] in order to access the database

I haven't bothered to do this kind of work myself, but it would obviously be a
lot nicer to develop applications in Python than the BASIC variants usually
associated with these database products.


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