PyOpinion: Does Python Programming Marginalize You?

Cameron Laird claird at
Tue Jun 6 14:51:41 EDT 2000

In article <8hjfed$n0c$1 at>,
Martijn Faassen <m.faassen at> wrote:
		[lots of true and
		important stuff]
>and comparing apples with oranges. CGI pages (or other server generated
>pages, for instance those generated by Zope) are not inherently slower
>than JavaScript pages, and in fact, a JavaScript page can be generated
>on the server-side. It's just not a valid comparison at all, as you
Absolutely.  Now that I think of it, most
of my JavaScript is actually machine-generated.
>> Plus, JavaScript can directly call Java Applet methods, enabling
>> it to do functions that are simply impossible with CGI scripts.
>Can it? I wasn't aware of this. Then again, I seldom encounter Java
>Applets. You may be navigating a different web? I generally encounter
No, he's right.  Here's what it's good for:
the only way browsers know to do network pro-
gramming is with Java.  Personally, rather
than write full-blown Java applets, I write
tiny little methods that do atomic network
operations, and count on JavaScript as a
display method.  Incidentally, that's my only
answer to the, "is there any point to applets
outside of toys?" question.  I've seen some
JavaScript programming I truly admire, includ-
ing some that would make my threshold of
"useful", but always in domains so far afield
from mine that I can't say I've verified them
		[more reminders
		that Python is

Cameron Laird <claird at>

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