(Serious?) package namespace problem (and a proposal)

Nhi Vanye offer at sgi.com
Wed Jun 28 19:31:25 EDT 2000

$ from NO_SPAM_hzhu at knowledgetrack_dot_com -#96726 | sed "1,$s/^/> /"
>>If you don't want python to search the current directory for imports,
>there is a
>>very simple solution: put this snippet above all of your other imports:
>>import sys
>This might be fine for personal use.  But I'm developing a general package
>that is being used by many people.  I don't think it's safe to fiddle with
>that.  And as I said, the functionality of packages can not (and absolutely
>should not) depend on the order of sys.path.  Otherwise packages expecting
>different ordering of sys.path cannot be used together.

It does on unix... If I type sh, the shell I get is going to completely
depend on what my path is.

If I want (as a user) to control which version I want I can use
/bin/sh. As an system admin I can't enforce that that is the only version
of sh on the system.

The same logic applies with python imports.


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