No strptime in Windows?

David C. Ullrich ullrich at
Tue Jun 13 10:35:18 EDT 2000

Tim Peters <tim_one at> wrote in article
<000901bfd3de$ee54d280$27a2143f at tim>...
> [David Ullrich]
> > ...
> "The platform" is the combination of hardware, compiler, operating
system, C
> library, and (less so) Python build-time configuration options.
> > ...
> > exactly what is it that's missing strptime, so that my Python
> > doesn't have one available to wrap?
> OK, but the answer isn't going to help you <wink>:  msvcrt.dll (that's
> MicroSoft Visual C RunTime DLL).

	Thanks. No, it doesn't help me p my strtime but I'd already done
that - it does help me understand what the heck various things mean.
(I guess what it comes to (roughly) is that in this case there _is_
such a thing as "Windows C", at least in the present context.)

> >     (When I asked the question I was assuming that
> > most of the time.this/that functions were done "by
> > hand" in the Windows version of Python.)
> They're not -- most of them are standard ANSI C library functions (for
> see the C standard), and "even Microsoft" <wink> takes a stab at
> those.  Since MS didn't see fit to support strptime (which is not std
> C), the only way it will show up in an MS Windows version of Python is if
> someone contributes implementation code for it using straight C.

	It's not very hard to do in Python; surely it wouldn't be much harder
in C (nudge nudge). Luckily I obviously don't know any C myself...

	(Well, it's not hard except for the Daylight Savings Time part - having
no idea how to do that I didn't.)

> note-that-strptime-is-missing-under-some-unices-too-ly y'rs  - tim

	Why would that matter? (haha)


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