Case-sensitivity: why -- or why not? (was Re: Damnation!)

James Logajan JamesL at Lugoj.Com
Tue Jun 6 00:45:04 EDT 2000

William Tanksley wrote:
> And for case sensitivity it _just doesn't matter_.  The only people who
> are strongly helped or hurt by case sensitivity appear to be newbies, and
> they're being hurt.

Physically hurt? Emotionally hurt? Psychologically scarred? After thousands
of programmers have learned Python doesn't anyone find it strange that this
issue should suddenly become THE hot issue that prevents Pythonic world
domination? Is this a plot by Perl advocates?

If God had meant for languages to be case insensitive, He would not have
invented both upper AND lower case letters. If it is good enough for Him, it
is good enough for me!

P.S. Actually I'm an agnostic....

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