Please help!!!!

Courageous jkraska1 at
Wed Jun 7 23:33:49 EDT 2000

> Could someone please tell me what is wrong.  I have re-installed Python
> 1.5.2.  I have tried other code and all seems to lead me to the same
> problem.  Please help!

This code works as is in my version of idle under Windows 98.
I noticed while executing it in cygwin/tcsh, however, that
the prompt never appeared. I then simply typed in the numbers,
pretending the prompt was there, and it worked.

Oddly enough, when I tried running it the way you did, it
didn't work for me. The way I ran it was to run it, type
"import test" (the name I gave the file I pasted your
code into), and it executed perfectly.

Note that if you're running from Windows, for an "import"
command to work like that, the module will have to be in
your path or some other known location. I believe you can
temporarily adjust things by running idle from a command
line or bat file and setting PYTHONPATH to your source

Tell us if one of those tricks don't work.


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