Stand-alones on the Mac?

Tom Loredo loredo at
Thu Jun 1 15:09:49 EDT 2000


Mac-specific Python info is here:

Post your message to the PythonMac SIG (Special Interesty Group):

Lots of Python-on-Mac experts there!

> And I isntalled also the Mac version of Python and
> also there I could not found anything about Python and stan-alones for
> the Mac.

Look a little harder; there is an HTML file somewhere in the
distribution that explains this in some detail.  I'm not on
a Mac at the moment so I can't tell you where it is exactly....

Yes, you can make stand-alone Python applications on the Mac
that do not require the user to install Python.  MacPython
comes with the Numerical module pre-installed, so you needn't
worry about that.  It also has Mac-specific GUI modules to
build the user interface.  You can write graphical output
using the PIL library, also included.  To do x-y plotting is
more problematical; you might want to look at the PIDDLE module.

Check the PythonMac SIG for more expert advice.

Good luck!
Tom Loredo

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