postgreSQL successes

Alexander V. Voinov avv at
Wed Jun 28 23:45:58 EDT 2000


Eric Lee Green wrote:
> Basic plusses of PostGreSQL: transactions, cursors, stored procedures, joins
> with subselects, all mostly work as you'd expect of any SQL database. The same
> cannot be said to be true of most other embedded databases out there (e.g.
> RAIMA, C-Tree, MySQL, ...). 

Hmm. It's hardly to say about Raima exactly the same as you may say
about traditional relational databases, because Raima is a different
animal. You can go relational with Raima Data Manager, but you gain its
real power if you use its navigational network model. It's more flexible
than just 'cursors'. It supports transactions too. Besides this, Raima's
(Centura's) client/server database Velocis supports all this plus normal
SQL access: your application may have Velocis engine embedded into it
and gain speed of using native library calls to access the database
(sitting on a local filesystem, with the app). In the same time this
application can serve as a full fledged SQL-server for the rest of the

I have some alpha-stage Python wrappings for Velocis, which everybody
can test with Centura's demo version of the database. If anybody is
_really_ interested please let me know. I didn't plan to release these
wrappings now, but if you ask...

As far the Python interface to its native network model API is concerned
I still believe than it's better to developed higher-level application
objects with these API and then wrap them for Python. YMMV.



PS. I do not work for Centura :-)

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