Deja is useless?! [was: Dr. Dobb's Python-URL! - weekly Python news and links (Jun 19)]

Michael Scharf Michael.Scharf at
Mon Jun 19 17:55:30 EDT 2000

"Andrew M. Kuchling" wrote:
>     In the same thread, David Bolen and Huaiyu Zhu write a script to
>     verify that a class implements all the methods of a template class:

Trying to extract the code or even read the code in the
representation seems impossible. Either I am an old-fashioned ascii
formatting fetishist or just to stupid to figure out, how to display
a deja article in simple plain ascii. Looking at the source of
this article: the entire script is put into one line.....

Maybe that's the price we have to pay for all the "non-computer-people"
in the internet, but I think with each change deja gets less and less
useful (at least for me). 

Does anybody know another news database with a more (white space sensitive)
programing language friendly interface?

     ''''\     Michael Scharf
    ` c-@@     TakeFive Software GmbH, a Wind River Company
    `    >
     \_ V      mailto:Michael.Scharf at

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