How to sell Python ( and OpenSoruce )

Thomas Weholt thomas at
Tue Jun 20 07:35:23 EDT 2000


I want to convince alot of my co-workers that OpenSource software,
especially Python, is ready for big business. ( is it ?! )

How do I sell an OpenSource solution like Python to hardheaded
closedsource-fanatics? I know they care about money, so that would be
my best angle. If anybody has any good examples of companies using
Python, or similar technology, with profit, that would be great. 

To be more exact :

My mission is to swap expensive, oversized databases solutions like MS
SQL 7.0 with PostgreSQL 7.0, crappy inconsistent script-languages like
VBScript with Python and MS SiteServer / IIS with Zope, Linux with
Windows  2000/ NT 4.0. I argue that the load on the system will never
be to great for PostgreSQL to handle as supposed to MS SQL-server,
VBScript, it sucks and they agree to that, Linux instead of Windows
will save lots of cash, so will the "reduced" cost of PostgreSQL
instead of MS SQL 7.0. 

The scenario above is normal in my experience, and I`d appreciate any
feedback from people with similar ideas. Related Case-studies would
also help alot.

The thing is that these people don`t thrust OpenSource. They laugh at
script-languages in general, and the idea of sharing code is even more

The growth of OpenSource, Python, Linux etc. depends on how well it
can be a suitable substitution for ClosedSource-alternatives. A more
agressive form of propaganda, showing off successful solutions, WITH
benchmarks, results of stress-tests etc. is vital. Right now there are
alot of talk about how great Python are, but few actual test of how
well Python performes under pressure, and not just Python alone, but
in a more complex environmet, like in Zope or using Python as
interface to a RDBMS.

I need selling points for OpenSource, the idea and philosophy,
examples of successful technology and eh .. moral support. I feel like
I`m in the lions den right now. ( " Think of a happy place. Calm blue
ocean, calm blue ocean ..." )

I truly love Python and would like to see it get the credit it

Best regards,
Thomas Weholt

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