8 queen/game of life

Grant Edwards ge at nowhere.none
Thu Jun 15 11:56:30 EDT 2000

In article <20000615104403.A1240 at sirius.ftsm.ukm.my>, root at sirius.ftsm.ukm.my wrote:

>has anyone wrote the 8 non-attacking queen problem and conway's game of life
>in python? i try but face a few newbie problems.

I did the 8-queen program in STk (Scheme w/ Tk).  It had a
little chessboard and would show you the states as it searched. 
Alternatively, it would let you place some of the queens and
then search for a solution from there.  I should translate it
into Python.

It used continuations, but I think it was only to have a simple
way to stop it in mid-search.

Grant Edwards                   grante             Yow!  I have no actual
                                  at               hairline...

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