Python Productivity over C++

Ken Seehof kens at
Thu Jun 15 17:07:26 EDT 2000

Bijan Parsia wrote:

> Russell Wallace <rwallace at> wrote:
> > > stevemul at (Steve Mullarkey) wrote:
> > >
> > > > I have read in several places productivity claims of 5 to 10 times over
> > > > 'C' and "C++". I would like to ask for some feedback from "C++"
> > > > programmers who have moved to Python as to whether these estimates are
> > > > realistic.
> >
> > As someone who uses and likes both C++ and Python, I think estimates
> > like that are excessively simplistic.
> [snip]
> Actually, the "simplistic" part is not taking into account things like
> problem domain, tools, and, most importantly, programmer "type" (skill,
> experience, etc.). Strangely enough, I would bet that *temperment*
> counts for oodles: If you *really hate* Python, I doubt you'll be wildly
> productive in it. On the other hand, if you're like me and there's no
> way in this lifetime that you'll learn C++ (granted I'm not a programmer
> *per se*), then Python makes me *way* more productive. (Er...ok,
> Smalltalk/Squeak makes me way more productive, but actually having
> written Python code, and actually being willing to read Python code,
> still makes Python a significant increaser of my programming
> productivity over C++ code, the mere thought of which makes me more
> likely to work on my disseration, or clean the toilet).
> --
> Bijan Parsia
> ...among many things.

Good point.  Actually C++ makes people way more productive that python does.
Ever since I learned python, I haven't cleaned the toilet.

Ken Seehof
kens at
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