Newbie questions

jim roush jar at
Tue Jun 13 14:53:19 EDT 2000

On 13 Jun 2000 08:48:48 -0400, Alex <cut_me_out at> wrote:

>> pi = 3.141592654
>> radius = input("Enter is the radius: ")
>> circ = 2 * pi * radius
>> print circ
>Perhaps the third line should be 'circ = 2 * pi * float (radius)'
>As it is, you are multiplying a float by a string, I think.  That should
>be giving you a type error.
No, pi is a variable.

>By the way, you can get pi from the math module:
>import math
>print math.pi
>It's good not to have constants encoded directly in to your program, in
>case they ever change. :)

I'm aware of that but I'm following a set of exercises from a book as
a means to learn Python.

jar at
James A Roush

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