[ANNOUNCE] Pyro 1.2 - distributed objects

Irmen de Jong irmen at -nospam-bigfoot.com
Tue Jun 6 15:03:41 EDT 2000

PYRO - Python Remote Objects - version 1.2

by Irmen de Jong - irmen at bigfoot.com


Pyro is an acronym for PYthon Remote Objects. It is a basic Distributed
Object Technology system written entirely in Python, and for use in Python
only. With this, it closely resembles Java's Remote Method Invocation (RMI).
It has less similarity to CORBA - which is a system- and language
independent Distributed Object Technology and has much more to offer than
Pyro or RMI.

The most important changes since the previous version (1.1) are:

- Direct remote object attribute access with normal Python syntax.
- Servers can create new Pyro objects and return proxies back to the
  clients. They can then access these new objects.
  (So, it's no longer necessary to have all Pyro objects ready on
  the server when it starts, you can add or remove them as you wish).
- It's now much easier to start multiple servers on a single machine.
- Some small bug fixes and documentation updates.

Some interesting features of Pyro are:

- Naming Service which keeps record of the location of objects. The location
  of the NS can be discovered using a broadcast mechanism, amongst others.

- Support for Python types only restricted by those that the standard
  'pickle' module handles (all builtin types, and user created classes).
  Objects as arguments are also supported when the code for those user
  defined classes is also available on the server side.

- Support for all Python argument types (variable argument lists and keyword
  arguments, *args and **keywords).

- Exceptions that occur in the remote object will actually be raised too on
  the client, just as if the error occured locally. Pyro's exception
  transportation mechanism makes this possible.

- Dynamic Proxies.

- Full source code in Python.


>From my Pyro homepage: http://www.bigfoot.com/~irmen/pyro.html

It comes with a Python-style license, but is otherwise free for
commercial and non-commercial use.


<P><A HREF="http://www.bigfoot.com/~irmen/pyro.html">
Pyro 1.2</A> - Distributed Object system for Python (4-Jun-2000)

Irmen de Jong -- irmen @

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