How to sell Python ( and OpenSoruce )

Thomas Weholt thomas at
Tue Jun 20 10:03:11 EDT 2000

On Tue, 20 Jun 2000 13:34:02 GMT, thomas at (Thomas Weholt)

>>> Linux with Windows  2000/ NT 4.0.
>>Why switch from Linux to Windows NT/2000, though? ;)
>Well, first off it`s my OS of choice, but mostly it *was* because it
>costs money. I`ve realized later that the cost of an os is scraps in a
>huge project so that`s not a very important issue anymore. But I would
>still go for Linux. It has remote-administration out-of-the-box with
>telnet/ssh, ready-and-running web-server ( Apache ) , dns, ftp - well,
>do I need to go on. AND PYTHON by default.
>Ok, a little off topic, but Linux is probably THE development platform
>at the moment, and have been for some time. If you look at
>distributions like Mandrake Linux 7.1 you`ll see that developers get
>alot of free and great stuff. When I had installed for about a week
>ago I had MySQL, PostgreSQL, PHP, Apache, Python, Perl, C/C++ and so
>on up and running in less than 2 hours. It at the cost of a blank cd.
>And that`s including documentation. 
>Oh, the big-ol` Raving-Linux-Fanatic took over, sorry.
>Thanks for your input anyway.

Eh ... uhm ... what did I just say ?? Let me clarify; I`m not a
schizo. I meant use Linux instead of Windows. Ok?

I better get some sleep tonight. Insomnia is eating at my brain.


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