Classes: What is the standard trick for ...

Erno Kuusela erno at
Sat Jun 24 14:42:32 EDT 2000

>>>>> "Edward" == Edward C Jones <edcjones at> writes:

    Edward> I would like a function call to look like
    Edward> "function.f1()". I would like to spare the user the need
    Edward> to create an instance of the class. Can I do this? How?

you could make it a module (in a package, perhaps). or you could
create the instance yourself, for example like this..

class _functions:
        def f1(self):
                return 'spam'

functions = _functions()

now the users of your module can call yourmodule.functions.f2()
and get spam without needing to instantiate anything themselves.

  -- erno

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