Done (sortof) - (was Newbie: displaying binary numbers?)

Steven Adams adams_s at
Mon Jun 12 02:11:33 EDT 2000

there is probably a cleaner method in the modules already, but this seems to
work fine.

I converted any numbers to hex. then turned the hex into a string, for each
letter in the string, there is a corresponding 4 bit sequence.

hexvals={'0':'0000',  '1':'0001', '2':'0010',  '3':'0011',  '4':'0100',
'5':'0101',  '6':'0110',  '7':'0111',
'8':'1000',  '9':'1001',  'a':'1010',  'b':'1011',  'c':'1100',  'd':1101,
'e':'1110',  'f':'1111'}

def int2binary(num):
                     "int2binary( num, bits ): display 'num' as a binary
with 'bits' number of bits"
                     s=str( hex( num ) )
                     for i in s:
                     return b

#is this right, it seems to work.

now, whats the best way to go about converting back to a normal base 10
I'd thought of just quickly breaking the string of 1's and 0's into strings
4 chars long, then using another lookup table.

Steven Adams <adams_s at> wrote in message
news:8i1q49$2nk3$1 at
> Hi all,
> I'm trying to display integers as binary numbers, I know there are the
> for making hexadecimal and octal strings, but couldn't find anything for
> binary?
> are there any modules, or operations not in the docs?
> all I need is to convert a number to a binary with n bits.
> thanks, Steven

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