Python COM does not seem to like me.

Mark Hammond MarkH at
Fri Jun 23 19:24:44 EDT 2000

> First off, is there something I dont know about the import statement?
> Using it, it says that it cant find a module thats is the same
> directory as the .asp file.  I checked the file name and everything.

The import statement uses the PythonPath (ie, sys.path as shown from
inside Python).  The Python script doesnt really know the path it is being
executed in.

> The error is:
> TypeError: cant multiply sequence with non-int
> The statment is:
> CM1 = roll[1] * roll[2]
> I am pretty much positive roll[1] and roll[2] are ints.

Im certain they are not!  At least one of them is a "sequence" (ie, a list
or tuple), as the error message says.

>  As I said,
> this statement worked great in interpreter.

If it did, then the code that sets up 'roll' must be the problem ;-)


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