MatPy-0.2.7 released

Huaiyu Zhu hzhu at
Fri Jun 9 19:38:43 EDT 2000

I've just released MatPy-0.2.7.  You can find all the related links (home
page, project page, download, CVS, docs in html, ps, pdf, ...) starting from

Apart from many small additions and improvements, there is an interactive
console contributed by Henning Schroeder that simulates Matlab start up
(example follows).


Huaiyu <hzhu at>

Here's an example:
Python 1.5.2 (#1, Sep 17 1999, 20:15:36)  [GCC egcs-2.91.66 19990314/Linux
(egcs- (<MatPy-console>)
Copyright 1991-1995 Stichting Mathematisch Centrum, Amsterdam

    Command completion bound to tab.  You can change it to C-g by typing
    readline.parse_and_bind('C-g: complete')
You are working in MatPy mode! Type help to get started
>>> help
    help(function)   to get more information on a special function 
    lookfor(name)    to search the help for name
    functions        to see a list of available functions
    log_on()         to start logging
    log_off()        to stop logging
    dump()           to show the history
    load('filename') to load filename
    save('filename') to save filename
    CTRL-D to exit
It is recommed to read the included documentation so that you understand
the way MatPy works.

>>> functions
Matrix_c, Matrix_r, Mrange, abs, acos, acosm, approx_real, arange,
array2str, array2strC, asin, asinm, atan, atanm, ceil, cos, cosh, coshm,
cosm, cov, cumprod, cumsum, diag, diff, efunc, eig, exp, expm, eye, floor,
log, log10, logm, long, longC, max, mean, median, mfunc, mfuncC, mfunc_p,
min, mnorm, norm, ones, prod, ptp, rand, short, shortC, sign, sin, sinc,
sinh, sinhm, sinm, solve, sort, sqrt, sqrtm, std, sum, sums, svd, tan, tanh,
tanhm, tanm, to_Matrix, to_array, to_number, trapz, wait, zeros
>>> a = rand((2,3))
>>> print sin(a)*5 - exp(a)
[ -0.815   1.46    0.872 
  -0.894   1.47    0.0668 ]

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