Why whitespace denotation of blocks doesn't work.

Robin Becker robin at jessikat.demon.co.uk
Sat Jun 17 09:48:36 EDT 2000

In article <3eomks8pah3at7h9ponni0r7s8ekt4ukh9 at 4ax.com>, Bob Hays,
Computer Geek <rhays at interaccess.com> writes
>My interesting tale is a consultant I have right now working on some
>production Python code.  He started making changes using vi and
>realized that we had carefully used spaces for indention (I had that
>holy war in a previous life [at a shrink wrap vendor that had to run
>on almost anything], and we finally agreed that tabs were evil in a
>cross-platform environment).  He started using spaces and now isn't
>having problems.

Funny, being old and used to long comms delays I've always preferred
tabs. It's true that poor windowing/widget systems sometimes copy tabs
to spaces, but there are always a few glitches. A two second response
delay often converts space users to tabbers.
Robin Becker

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