problem with accessing methods?

Remco Gerlich scarblac-spamtrap at
Tue Jun 27 10:56:28 EDT 2000

Mike 'Cat' Perkonigg wrote in comp.lang.python:
> How can I access a method with variable amount of parameters?
> I have sort of an object management system which routes method invocations 
> from outside to the objects, but the management system don't know anything 
> about the methods.
> In C I would use a pointer to a struct, but this is Python :-)

You use apply(). apply(f, args) calls the function f with the arguments
given in the tuple 'args'.

To make a function that takes multiple arguments, use

def my_apply(func, *args):
   return apply(func, args)

(args is a tuple containing the values passed in).

To handle keyword arguments as well, use

def my_apply(func, *args, **kw_args):
   return apply(func, args, kw_args)
In this case, kw_args is a dictionary with keyword: value pairs. Just play
around in the interpreter a bit, it's quite simple but looks complicated the
first time you see it...

Remco Gerlich,  scarblac at

   This is no way to be
     Man ought to be free      -- Ted Bundy
       That man should be me

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