SV: Python Productivity over C++

Hung Jung Lu hungjunglu at
Wed Jun 14 04:59:24 EDT 2000

>From: Michal Vitecek <M.Vitecek at>
> >    if ( a = getNumber() ) {...}
>  i have no idea why you call this a stupid feature - IMO this all makes
>  the program shorter and as such more readable. this is really something i
>  hate about python, missing ++ and -- operators plus having to do the
>  assignment stupidly before if comment - more & longer source.

Hey, I can recommend you a great language for shorter and notations: Perl. 
:) You've got all your lovely operators there. You are welcome to use it 
instead of Python. :) Why use Python if you've got Perl? :)

One thing we have learned from Python and Perl, it's that shorter notations 
are not better. Proper longer notations (not those exaggerated notations 
like in Cobol) are almost self documenting.

Your experience with C++ certainly is highly limited. Do you know that 
Metrowerk compiler by default issues a warning when it encounters 
assignments inside an "if" statement? Now, are you going to tell people in 
Metrowerk that they are dumb, too? :)

> >C++ programmer get bitten all the time with the == && || operators, and
> >refuse to acknowledge that there is a problem.
>    :) maybe C++ programmers like you?

Wow wow, someone trying to lecture me about C++, you've got some guts. I 
pushed out quite a few products distributed worldwide, managed teams of 
programmers with several Ph.D. degree holders. Dear sir, what have you done 
in your life?

>i personally never had any problem with ==, && and ||,

You are a newbie, and it shows. :)


Hung Jung

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