
Philippe Possemiers philippe.possemiers at the-ecorp.com
Mon Jun 26 04:43:54 EDT 2000

Thanks, it works perfectly. Actually, I wonder why I haven't tried os.system()
yet. I guess I was too busy trying to alter the ppp script (and even trying to
rewrite it in python) to read the doc more carefully...


Thomas Wouters wrote:

> On Mon, 26 Jun 2000 09:52:46 +0200, Philippe Possemiers
> <philippe.possemiers at the-ecorp.com> wrote:
> >My platform is Linux and I use a modem to dial my ISP. Therefore, I use
> >os.exec* in my script to activate /etc/ppp/ppp-on. The question is : how
> >do I return to my python script? From the moment I call 'ppp-on', I seem
> >to lose all control and cannot return to the python interpreter.
> os.exec*() replace the currently executing process, instead of creating a
> new process and waiting for it to finish (which is what you want, I
> assume.)
> You are looking for os.system(). It takes a single string as argument, which
> should be the command and any argument, just like you type them on the
> shell. (In fact, os.system() just spawns a shell and passes it the string ;)
> Alternatively, you can use os.fork() and os.exec*(), and then os.waitpid()
> for the child to finish, but that's only necessary if you want to do things
> while waiting, or if you want to avoid using the shell (because you want to
> fiddle with ARGV, or some such.)
> Argh-argv-argc-ly y'rs,
>         Thomas.

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