Need help: Python and Oracle on Linux x86

pehr anderson pehr at
Tue Jun 27 23:38:25 EDT 2000

Dear Dan, 

We got this to work here at Eink.  
The DCOracle database driver for python is
very good and does exacly what we need.

My understanding is that every version of 
Oracle has libraries that behave somewhat 
differently so sometimes you need to fix
little things like file order to make it all work.

Could you post your exact compliation trace so that
I and others can look it over?  
Also let us know which version of Oracle you are using.

	pehr anderson

Dan Grassi wrote:
> I am trying to use Python on a Linux system but need Oracle DB access.  I
> have tried compiling the DCOracle interface with no success, there are
> compile errors.
> I am trying to replace the Perl that is used with python but the DB access
> issue is a killer.  Can anyone help?
> Thanks,
> Dan

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