Who hosts CGI/Python?

Paul Winkler slinkp at angelfire.com
Fri Jan 7 13:55:52 EST 2000

Chuck Esterbrook wrote:
> Seems like many web host providers, such as MindSpring, offer CGI with
> Perl, but not other languages, notably Python.
> Does anyone know who would host a CGI Python site?

www.jumpline.net seems to have pretty good service for the money...
I'm hosting two domains there. Their FAQ mentions only Perl, but I
just telnetted in and typed "python" and got the interactive prompt.
Tried a quick dumb CGI script too, it worked.

-- PW
................    paul winkler    ..................
slinkP arts:   music, sound, illustration, design, etc.
A member of ARMS    ----->    http://www.reacharms.com
or http://www.mp3.com/arms or http://www.amp3.net/arms
personal page   ---->    http://www.ulster.net/~abigoo

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