OFFTOPIC: *-ly y'rs,

Tim Peters tim_one at
Tue Jan 25 02:34:20 EST 2000

[Agent Drek]

Cool handle!

> I know this is a stupid question but at least I'm not
> complaining about delimiters :) here goes ...
> I have only ever seen these sign-offs on this list:
> *-ly y'rs
> Where did they come from

Classified records at the Center for Disease Control identify y'rs truly as
the originating vector.  It's merely Fun with Adverbial Phrases -- which is
what all but the paranoid recognize from the start <wink>.

It's really a mongrelization, part related to (but easier than) a Tom Swifty
("I don't think I'll get another lion as a pet," Tom remarked offhandedly;
"The washing machine is going wild!" exclaimed Tom agitatedly; ...); part
gentle mocking of a former colleague's penchant for archaic expression ("y'r
most obdn't and humble servant ..."); and part made-up crap for the hell of
it <wink>.

> and are they patented :)

Luckily for you, I've been indulging this habit for about 20 years, and my
patent recently expired.  Have at it!

> How can one join the signoff-ly club?
> these-are-super-fun-ly y'rs,

with-the-novice-we-applaud-effort-not-achievement<wink>-ly y'rs
    - tim

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